Nesting advice and nursery essentials

2013-03-26 13.08.46

Shopping for a baby can be overwhelming. Especially if you’ve never had one. I spent weeks researching products, because I had the have the RIGHT everything — even though much of it comes down to personal preference. The following is a note a wrote a friend who was expecting when my little one was about four months old. It’s nesting advice I would have written to my former self. Now I could go on and on about what you REALLY “need” for a baby, but I liked re-reading the words on my newborn-mothering self and thought it would be fun to share.

Don’t wear yourself out. If I could go back in time I would have spent more time sleeping!

Just about a month to go, how are you feeling? I don’t know how many mom friends you have but I thought I’d offer a little unsolicited baby advice for your final preparations. I had a very fussy baby for a while and thought I would share some shopping tips for calming your little one an other random things. Take what you will, but it’s stuff I would have loved to know:

  • Target Up&Up diapers are like Pampers and Costco ones are like Huggies. Both way cheaper.
  • If you don’t already have them, stock up on: baby Q-Tips, they are great for ears and noses; Little Tummies Gas Drops, boogie wipes, and saline nasal spray for stuffy noses. Also invest in a nice thermometer. I have a digital one that takes it in his ear, which is fast and much easier than other ways …
  • Look for baby pajamas with zippers or even the goofy looking nightgowns with elastic at the bottom. You won’t want to bother with snaps during 2 a.m. diaper changes.
  • Get a travel sleep sheep — it plays white noise. Bust it out at bedtime when she’s cranky. It’s weird but it works! Also make sure you have a nice swaddling blanket with Velcro, I have a Summer Infant one that is awesome. (Pictured above.)
  • Will you be breastfeeding? If so, stock up on bra inserts for leakage, lanolin for sore nips and shirts that can easily be pulled down or up. Do yourself a favor and buy 5-7 nursing tanks now. Target has good ones in the bra section they are like shelf tanks with clips to undo the front at the straps. I had to send my husband to buy some for me while we spent a week in the hospital with our son. I wore them for weeks. They are perfect to layer under a top. Then you can pull the top layer up and the bottom layer down to nurse discreetly. Also get a nice nursing cover, Babies R Us has good ones I can nurse discreetly in restaurants and pretty much everywhere with mine.
  • Our best big purchase was our swing. It’s his chair in the living room. We got the Graco Soothee and I completely recommend it! It vibrates, swings either back and forth and side to side, plays white noise and music and the seat comes off and works as a little cradle I can more around the house.

Hope these tips help and aren’t too annoying. I know you are probably getting tons of unwanted advice right now! I cant wait to see pics of the nursery and eventually your little lady! Enjoy the last few weeks of your pregnancy! Treat yourself to pedicures and rest!

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